Legion of the Damned (2.Edition)
Informationen zur Legion of the Damned (2.Edition) vorrangig aus den White Dwarfs.
Quelle: http://www.gamehobby.net/
Issue |
Article |
White Dwarf 195 |
Legion of the Damned
- Veteran Sergeant Centurius
- Animus Malorum: Cenurius' Relic Skull
White Dwarf 212 |
Games Day & Golden Daemon 97: Golden Demon Winners
- WH40K Best Squad, 2nd Place: Space
Marines of the
Legion of the Damned by Bryan Shaw
White Dwarf 223 |
The Legion of the Damned
- Background & Rules
- Painting the Bones &
- Sergeant Centurius
White Dwarf 224 |
The Legion of the Damned
- Army List
- Special Rules
- Wargear List
- Army Selection
- Characters
- Commander
- Company Icon (Standard) Bearer
- Librarian
- Techmarine
- Squads
- Assault Squad
- Tactical Squad
- Devastator Squad
- Bike Squadron
- Support
- Dreadnought
- Rhino
- Land Speeder
- Attack Bike
- Special Character: Sergeant Centurius
- Diorama: Legion of the
Damned Historical Liber Secondus
- Legion of the Damned Commander Conversion
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