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WD Index 2.Edition

Artikel vom 17.08.2011 aus 2.Edition.

Index aller White Dwarf Artikel (englisch) die sich mit der 2.Edition befassen.

Issue Article
WD 165 Warhammer 40,000 (2nd Ed.): Preview
WD 166

Space Marines: Codex Imperialis Extract - Legions of Adeptus Astartes

  • Chapters
  • Origins
    • The First Founding
    • Founding Chapters
  • Chapter Organisation
    • The Dark Angels
  • Fighting Units
  • The Physique of a Space Marine
  • Special Marines
    • Techmarines
    • Librarians
    • Apothecaries
    • Chaplains
  • The Primarchs
  • 'Eavy Metal: Dark Angel Space Marines Tactical Squad
  • Space Marines Army List
    • Space Marines
    • Techmarine
    • Servitors
    • Chaplains
    • Apothecary
    • Librarian
    • Space Marine Scouts
Angels of Death: Battle Report - Blood Angels vs. Orks
WD 167

Space Marine Dreadnoughts

  • Special Rules for Space Marine Dreadnoughts
    • Assault Cannon and Storm Bolter
    • Missile Launcher
    • Multi-Melta
    • Twin Lascannon
    • Power Fist
  • 'Eavy Metal: Blood Angels Space Marine Dreadnought
  • 'Eavy Metal: Space Marine Predator
  • 'Eavy Metal: Space Marine Blood Angel Devastators
  • 'Eavy Metal: Blood Angels Space Marine Death Company
  • Space Marine Dreadnought Datafax
  • Space Marine Predator Datafax
Bridge of Death: Battle Report - Space Marines (Blood Angels and Ultramarines) vs. Orks
WD 168

Blood Angels Death Company

  • Chapter History
  • The Black Rage
  • Bood Angels Death Company: Stats
  • Special Rules
  • Blood Angels Death Company Army List

Assault Squads: Space Marines

  • 'Eavy Metal: Ultramarines Space Marine Assault Squad
WD 169

Adeptus Arbites

  • Background
  • Arbites Troops on the Battlefield
  • The Arbites Combat Shotgun
    • Ammo: Executioner Rounds
  • Characters
  • Squads
  • Adeptus Arbites Wargear List

Battle Bunker: Fortifications in Warhammer 40,000

  • Introduction
  • Preparing for Battle
  • Bunker Floorplan
  • Moving Into or Out of a Bunker
  • Support Weapons
  • Attacking from the Bunker
  • Bunker Fire Arcs
  • Attacking the Bunker
  • Attacking Bunker Doors and Vision Slits
  • Special Weapons Rules
  • Mission Cards
    • Hold the Line
    • Bunker Assault
  • Battle Bunker: Datafax

Mission 4 - The Strongpoint: Battles for Armageddon Campaign

  • Requires two Bunkers
  • War of Attrition: Blood Angels Briefing
  • Over the Top: Goff Orks Briefing
  • Space Marine Tactics
  • Ork Tactics
  • Game Variants
WD 170

Dark Millenium: Supplement Preview

  • Dark Millenium
  • Vehicle Data Cards
  • Vehicle Cards
  • Wargear Cards
  • Mission Cards
  • Strategy Cards
  • Psychic System
  • The Powers
  • Future Plans
Dark Angels Space Marine Army

Chaos Space Marines

  • 'Eavy Metal: Chaos Space Marines
WD 171

Dark Millenium: Wargear, Vehicles, and Psykers - Review

  • Vehicles
    • Vehicle Squadrons and Support Weapons Batteries
  • Psykers
    • Eldar Runic Powers
    • Space Marine Librarian Powers
    • Inquisition Psychic Powers
    • Adeptus Astra Telepathica Powers
    • Ork Weirdboy Powers
    • Squat Psychic Powers
    • Tyranid Psychic Powers
    • The Chaos Psychic Powers
      • Slaanesh
      • Nurgle
      • Tzeentch
  • Wargear
    • Essential Items
    • Enhancements
    • Cunning Ploys

Warp Spider Aspect Warriors: Eldar

  • 'Eavy Metal: Eldar Aspect Warriors
    • Warp Spiders
    • Dark Reapers
  • Death Spinner Monofilament Gun
  • Warp Spider Jump Generator
  • Warp Spider Tactics
Witch Hunt: Battle Report - Biel-Tan Eldar vs. Orks
WD 172

The Eldar

  • Craftworld Technology
  • The Webway
  • 'Eavy Metal: Eldar Phoenix Lords
    • Fuegan - The Burning Lance
    • Asurmen - Hand of Asuryan
    • Karandras - The Shadow Hunter
  • 'Eavy Metal
    • The Avatar
    • Eldrad Ulthran: Farseer of Ulthwe
  • The Infinitry Circuits
  • The Eldar Path
    • Guardians
  • The Path of the Warrior
    • Dire Avengers
    • The Fire Dragons
    • The Howling Banshees
    • Striking Scorpions
    • Warp Spiders
    • Dark Reapers
    • Swooping Hawks
  • 'Eavy Metal: Eldar Aspect Warriors
    • Striking Scorpions
    • Fire Dragons
    • Dire Avengers
    • Howling Banshees
  • Exarchs of the Warrior Aspects
  • The Phoenix Lords
WD 173

Eldar Pheonix Lords

  • 'Eavy Metal: Eldar Phoenix Lords
    • Jain Zar - Storm of Silence
    • Baharroth - The Cry of the Wind
    • Maugan Ra - The Harvester of Souls
  • Introduction
  • Baharroth - The Cry of the Wind: Swooping Hawks
  • Jain Zar - Storm of Silence: Howling Banshees
  • Maugan Ra - The Harvester of Souls: Dark Reapers
WD 174

'Eavy Metal

  • Eldar War Walker
  • Anti-Grav Platform with Lascannon

The Razorback: Space Marine Rhino Varaint

  • 'Eavy Metal: Space Marine Razorback
  • Data Card
'Eavy Metal: Ork Dreadnought

Citadel Miniatures Modelling Guide: Conversions

  • Characters
  • Inspiration
  • Dire Avenger Exarch: Eldar Codex Cover
  • Dark Angels Captain: Dark Millennium Cover
  • Blood Angels Captain: WH40K 2nd Cover
    • Getting Started
    • Removing Components
    • Modelling Tips: Making Purity Seals
    • Joining the Pieces
    • Sculpting Detail
      • The bionic eye
      • The hair
    • The Base
    • The Finished Model
Eldar Aspect Warriors and Dark Angels Space Marines Painted by the Birmingham Store Staff
WD 175 Ork Field Artillery: Background and Rules
Snakebite Boarboyz: Rules
Dawn Raid: Battle Report - Orks vs. Ultramarines
WD 176

Ork Special Characters

  • Zodgrod Wortsnagga: Snakebite Runtmaster
  • 'Eavy Metal
    • Warlord Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thrakka
    • Zoggrod Wortsnagga, Regegade Runtmaster
  • Ghazghkull Uruk Thrakka: Mighty Goff Warlord and Leader of the Waaagh!
  • 'Eavy Metal: Blood Axes
  • 'Eavy Metal
    • Evil Sunz
    • Bad Moon
  • Wargear Cards
WD 177

Ork Wargear

  • Stormboy Jump Packs
  • Pulsa Rokkit
  • 'Eavy Metal: Stormboyz
The Yellow Jackets: GD '94 Space Marine Chapter Design Competition Winner
Hold the Line: Battle Report - Eldar vs. Space Wolves
WD 178

The Leman Russ: Imperial Battle Tank

  • Data Card
  • 'Eavy Metal: Leman Russ - Imperial Battle Tank
  • Vehicle Cards
The Mailed Fist: Vehicle Tactics, Primarily Imperial Guard Tanks
WD 179

Rules of Engagement: Combat Tactics

  • Introduction
  • Picking your Targets
  • Charging
  • Displacer Fields
  • Jump Pack and Eldar Swooping Hawk Wings
  • Polymorphine
  • 'Eavy Metal
    • Eldar Shrieker Jetbike
    • Gretchin Assistants

Speed Freaks: Evil Sunz Ork Tactics

  • Codex Orks
  • Vehicle Squadrons
  • Evil Sunz
  • Sheer Madness
  • Waaagh! Ork
  • The Future
WD 180

Catachan Jungle Fighters: Imperial Guard

  • 'Eavy Metal: The Jungle Fighters of Catachan
  • Regiments of the Imperial Guard
  • Catachan
  • The Catachan Regiment
  • The Weapons Team Rule
  • Catachan Jungle Fighters
  • 'Eavy Metal: Space Marine Land Speeder
  • 'Eavy Metal: Space Marine Chaplans
A Bitter Harvest: Battle Report - Orks vs. Howling Griffons Space Marines
WD 181

Rough Riders of Attila: Imperial Guard

  • Attila
  • Attilan Rough Riders
  • Rough Riders
Space Marine Terminators: Tactical Dreadnought Armour
WD 182

Cadian Shock Troops: Imperial Guard

  • 'Eavy Metal: Cadian Shock Troops
  • The Imperium
  • Cadia
  • Chaos Raiders
  • The Cadian Shock Troops
  • The Weapons Team Rule
  • Splitting Squads
  • Cadian Shock Troops
Commissar Yarrick: Imperial Guard

Space Marine Dreadnoughts

  • Dreadnoughts
  • Old Ones
  • An Eternity of War
  • Dreadnought Weapons
  • Sustained Fire Weapons
  • Power Fists
  • 'Eavy Metal Space Marine Dreadnoughts: Badges and Banners
  • Data Card
Blood and Fire (Listed in Contents as A Gathering of Might): Battle Report - Ultramarines and Imperial Guard vs. Ghazghkull's Orks
WD 183

Ice Warriors of Valhalla: Imperial Guard

  • Valhalla
  • Ice World
  • 'Eavy Metal: Ice Warriors of Valhalla
  • A Desperate Struggle
  • The Final Battle
  • Victory!
  • 'Eavy Metal: Imperial Guard
  • Imperial Guard Mortar
  • Firing the Mortar
  • Scatter and Hits: Rolling to Hit
  • Ice Warriors of Valhalla: Squads
WD 184

Unmatched in Valour: Codex Ultramarines Excerpt

  • The Primarchs
  • Robute Guilliman
  • A Bitter Homecoming
  • The Emperor
  • Fortress Macragge
  • The Horus Heresy
  • Aftermath
  • The Second Founding
  • Ultramar
  • 'Eavy Metal: Space Marine Librarians
  • 'Eavy Metal
    • Space Marine Veteran Sergeants
    • Space Marine Apothecaries
  • The Military

Imperial Guard Veterans

  • Veterans
  • Veterans in Battle
  • Veteran Abilities

Mordian Iron Guard: Imperial Guard

  • Treachery!
  • Mordian
  • The Iron Guard
  • The Conspiracy of Chaos
  • A Sky of Flames
  • Chaos War
  • Attack from the Depths
  • The Battle for the Palace
  • The Tide is Turned
  • Imperial Guard Lascannon
  • Mordian Iron Guard: Squads
WD 185

Space Marine Whirlwind: Rhino Variant

  • Fast Support
  • Lethal Firepower
  • Whirlwind Multi-Launcher: Fragmentation Missiles
  • Indirect Fire
  • Army List - Support Section
  • 'Eavy Metal
    • Lord Macragge, Master of the Ultramarines
    • Techmarines
  • 'Eavy Metal: Space Marine Company Standard Bearer
  • Datafax

Tallaran Desert Raiders: Imperial Guard

  • Tallarn
  • Chaos Attack!
  • A Hollow Victory
  • Tallarn Survives
  • A Secret Uncovered
  • The Danger Awakes
  • The Dark Library
  • Eldar Attack
  • The Dark Gods Awake
  • The Battle for the Cursus
  • Chaos Defeated
  • The Cursus
  • Tallarn Desert Raiders: Squads
WD 186

Imperial Chimera: Imperial Guard

  • The Chimera
  • Origins
  • Mobile Firepower
  • Battle Strategy
  • Chimera Assault
  • Blitzkrieg
  • Reserves
  • Barrage
  • Transport
  • Weapons
  • Frag Defenders
  • Army List - Support Section
  • 'Eavy Metal: Imperial Chimera
  • Datafax

Ratling Snipers: Imperial Guard

  • Mutants
  • Halflings
  • Special Rules
  • Needle Sniper Rifle
  • Special Rules
  • Ratling Scouts: Squads
  • 'Eavy Metal: Ratling Snipers
WD 187

Leman Russ Demolisher: Imperial Guard

  • The Forges of Mars
  • The Demolisher Siege Tank
  • Construction and Armour
  • Deadly Weapons
    • The Demolisher Cannon
  • 'Eavy Metal
    • A Leman Russ Demolisher of the Seventh Atrian Regiment
    • A Leman Russ Demolisher covers the advance of a squad of Cadian Shock Troops
  • 'Eavy Metal: Space Marine Characters
  • Battle Tactics
  • Unstoppable Assault
  • Resolute Defence
  • The Imperial Guard
  • Blitzkrieg
  • Barrage
  • Reserves
  • Frag Defenders
  • Army List - Support Section
  • Datafax
Heretic!: Battle Report - Rogue Psyker Lord Varlak's Rebel Imperial Guard of Korsk II vs. Space Marines
WD 188

Across the Void: Tyranids Conceptual Background

  • Codex Tyranids
  • Take me to your Leader...
  • Organic Weaponry
  • Tyranid Warriors
  • Heavy Firepower
  • 'Eavy Metal: Gargoyles
  • The Birth of a Nightmare: Mini Design
  • 'Eavy Metal: Tyranid Termagants
  • Missions
  • Strategy
  • Biomorphs
  • Swarms
  • ... and Genestealers too!
  • Finishing Touches
  • In Conclusion...

Blood Angels Death Company

  • The Black Rage
  • The Final Battle
  • Blood Angels Death Company
    • Special Rules
  • Blood Angels Death Company Army List
WD 188

Vindicare Imperial Assassin: Imperium

  • Officio Assassinorum
  • The Art of Death
  • Vindicare Temple
  • Imperial Agents Army List
  • Special Rules
  • Wargear
  • Wargear Cards
    • Exitus Weapons
    • Exitus Ammunition
    • Stealth Suit
    • Spy Mask

Imperial Griffon: Imperial Guard

  • The Griffon
  • Heavy Mortar
  • Firing the Heavy Mortar
  • Rolling to Hit
  • Direct Fire
  • Shell Types
    • Frag Shells
    • Melta Shells
    • Inferno Shells
  • Inferno Hit Table
  • Fire Test Table
  • Blitzkrieg
  • Reserves
  • Barrage
  • Griffon and Blast Markers
  • Army List - Support Section
  • Datafax
The Great Devourer!: Battle Report - Imperial Guard and Eldar Alliance vs. Tyranids
>WD 190

Callidus Imperial Assassin: Imperium

  • Officio Assassinorum
  • Callidus Temple
  • Imperial Agents Army List
    • Special Rules
  • Wargear
    • C'tan Phase Sword
    • Neural Shredder
    • Polymorphine
    • Poison Blades

Tyranid Warriors

  • Tyranid Warriors
    • Special Rules
  • Weapon Variants
  • Ranged Weapons
  • Heavy Fire
  • Tyranid Warrior Brood
  • 'Eavy Metal: Tyranid Warriors
  • Tyranid Ranged Weapons
    • Deathspitter
    • Devourer
    • Barbed Strangler
    • Venom Cannon

Follow Me, Men!: Codex Imperial Guard Preview

  • Command Squads
WD 191

Assassin!: Imperial Eversor Assassin

  • Officio Assassinorum
  • Eversor Temple
  • Bio-Killers
  • Imperial Agents Army List
    • Special Rules
    • Wargear: Insert Cards
      • Eversor Combat Drugs
      • Executor Pistol
      • Neuto-Gauntlet
      • Sentinel Array

Questions and Answers

  • WH40K
    • Imperium: Assassin Dodge vs. Vortex Grenade
    • Sustained Fire at Open vs. Cover
Legions of Steel: Imperial Guard Tanks Tactics

Tyranid Invasion: GW Campaign of Ichar IV Defense by Space Marines, Imperial Guard and Eldar

  • Hive Nemesis Results
WD 192

Evolved to Destroy: Tyranids

  • Tyranid Bio-War
  • Zoanthropes
    • Special Rules
  • Ripper Swarms
    • Special Rules

Questions and Answers

  • WH40K
    • Space Marines: Lightning Claw Parry
    • Overwatch
    • Daemonic Attack Card vs. Ultimate Force Card
    • Displacer Fields
    • Dodge vs. Psychics

Fast Attack!: Tactics

  • The Basics
  • Go for the Flank
  • Vehicle Squadrons
  • Skimmers
  • Fast Attack Vehicles
    • Counter Tactic
  • The Land Speeder
    • Counter Tactic
  • (Eldar) Jetbikes
  • Orks
  • I Like 'em!
  • Conclusion

Tyranid Invasion: GW Campaign of Ichar IV Defense by Space Marines, Imperial Guard and Eldar

  • Campaign Results by Hive
WD 193 Pyromania!: Imperial Guard Hellhound

Target in Sight:

  • Scenarios: Developing Themes
  • Mission Variations
  • The Missions - A Tactical Analysis
    • Dawn Raid
    • Engage and Destroy
    • High Ground (See Insert)
    • Bunker Assault and Hold the Line
    • The Assassins and Witch Hunt
    • Take and Hold
    • Guerrilla War
  • Stopping the Enemy

Dark Saviours: Dark Angels Characters

  • Commander Azrael, Supreme Grand Master of the Dark Angels, Keeper of the Truth
  • 'Eavy Metal
    • Commander Azrael, Supreme Grand Master of the Dark Angels
    • Ezekiel, Grand Master of Librarians
    • Asmodai, Interrogator-Chaplain
  • Ezekiel, Grand Master of Librarians, Keeper of the Book of Salvation, Holder of the Keys
  • Asmodai, Interrogator-Chaplain
WD 194

Lords of Baal: Blood Angels Characters

  • Apothecary Corbulo, Sanguinary Priest of the Blood Angels
  • 'Eavy Metal
    • Apothecary Corbulo, Sanguinary Priest
    • Chief Librarian Mephiston, Lord of Death
  • Chief Librarian Mephiston, Lord of Death

Ker-Boom!: Imperial Guard Basilisk

  • Earthshaker Artillary Gun
Redemption: Battle Report - Dark Angels vs. Orks
WD 195

Legion of the Damned

  • Veteran Sergeant Centurius
  • Animus Malorum: Cenurius' Relic Skull

Ancient Writings: Scenario Inspirations

  • Loot Fiction
  • Plunder History
  • WH40K: Custarius' Last Stand

Questions and Answers: Roolz Boyz

  • Codex Angels of Death
  • War Gear Card Restrictions

Strongholds of the Emporer: Imperial Firebase

  • Games: Scenarios
  • No-Man's Land
  • Infiltrate
  • Beachhead
  • Assassination: Rules
  • Virus
  • Governor
  • Ambush
  • Supplies
  • The Thing!
  • Tea-Time: Campaign Links

That's an Order!: Imperial Guard

  • The Imperial Command
  • Command Squads
  • Command HQ
  • Captain Chenkov of Valhalla
  • Captain Al'rahem of Tallarn

Ultramarines Chapter: '95 Games Day Display

  • Chapter Organisation: Org Chart
  • Companies
  • Reserve Companies
WD 196 Civil War: Battle Report - Eldar vs. Eldar
WD 197

For They Shall Know No Fear: Developing a Space Marine Chapter

  • Genesis
  • Baptism
  • 1994 GD Competition: White Panthers
  • 1995 GD Competition: The Falcons
  • Chapter Symbol
  • Colour Schemes
  • Crusade Armies
  • Army Badges
  • Crusade Badge
  • Become an Inquisitor: Founding Legions
    • Iron Hands
    • Permanently Scarred: Survivors of Second Tyrannic War with Hive Fleet Kraken
      • Lamenters
      • Scythes
    • Salamanders
  • Special Characters
  • Specialisation

Incoming!: Imperial Guard Artillery

  • Preliminary Barrage
  • Comm-Links
  • Calling Down Fire
  • Barrage
WD 198

Storm Troopers: Imperial Guard Elites

  • Veterans
  • Toolin' Up
  • Offensive Footing
  • Crazed
  • Freedom Fighters
  • Grizzled
  • Dead Eye Shots
  • Guerrillas
  • Hardened Fighters
  • Slick Crew
  • Stealthy
  • Street Fighters
  • Tank Hunters
  • Hotshot Lasgun and Laspistol
    • Hotshot Power Pack
WD 199 Codex Chaos: Preview
Chambers of the Horned Rat: Narrative Campaigns

Adrian Wood's Waaagh!: Ork Evil Sunz Speed Freaks

  • 'Eavy Metal: Ork War Buggy

The Warmaster of Chaos: Abaddon the Despoiler, Warmaster of Chaos

  • Horus Heresy
  • Black Crusades
  • Abbadon Victorious
  • 'Eavy Metal
    • Abaddon the Despoiler
    • Juggernaut of Khorne
WD 200

An Eternity of Madness: Chaos Dreadnoughts

Faith in the Emporer: Army Design

  • A Bit of a Gripe: Abusive Armies
  • Staying True...: Balancing Army Lists with Background
  • The Devout: Themed Armies for Campaigns and Scenarios
    • Tank Companies (See Heretic Battle Report in WD 187)
    • Storm Trooper Platoons
      • An Ambush Scnario: Imperial Guard Stromtroopers vs. Ork
Manflayer: Fabius Bile, Chaos Lord
Questions and Answers: Roolz Boyz
Kneel Before Me!: Battle Report - Abaddon's Chaos Marines vs. Thrugg's Doom Orks
WD 201 Legions of Darkness: Chaos Space Marine Terminators
Rapid Assault: Space Marine bike squads
Waaagh! Grishnak!: Adrian Wood's Ork Army
The Betrayer
  • The Worldeaters
  • Khorne Berserkers
  • Kharn the Betrayer
WD 202 The Sorcerer
  • Tzeentch
    • Thousand Sons
    • Ahriman
Lost in the Warp: Converting Chaos minis
A Warrior's Duty: Battle Report - Eldar vs. Imperial Guard
WD 203 Fred Reed: WH40K Conversions
  • Chaos Thunderhawk
Wrath of Ulthwe: Scenario - Imperial Guard vs. Eldar
WD 204 Chambers of the Horned Rat: Andy's Piscina IV Campaign, Part 2 (Part 1 in WD 199)
Plague Marines: Chaos Plague Marines of Nurgle
Questions and Answers
  • Chaos
  • Assassins
  • Orks
  • Psykers
  • Vehicles
Anti-Tanktics: Tactics for Fighting Against Tanks
Index Astartes: Articles Related to WH40K Universe from Issues 154 to 203
  • Necromunda
  • Space Hulk
  • Epic
  • Wargame Series
  • WH40K
WD 205 Dreadnoughts!: Tactics
The Foulest Mutations: Veteran Chaos Space Marines
I Have A Brilliant Strategy...: 8 New Strategy Cards
Lurking Horror: Battle Report - Tyranids vs. Space Wolves
WD 220 Phew, What a Scorcher: Ork Scorcher
Tsaragrad: Imperial Guard Ruined City
WD 221 Speed Freeks: Ork Wartrak and Ork War Trukk
'Eavy Metal: How to Paint Blood Angels
WD 222 Tactica Imperialis II - Imperial Guard Tactics
Original Epic 40K article in WD 217
Last Stand at Glazer's Creek
Scenario inspired by the film Zulu! Battle Report: Imperial Guard Praetorians vs. Orks
WD 223

The Legion of the Damned

  • Background and Rules
  • Painting the Bones and Flames
  • Sergeant Centurius
WD 224

The Legion of the Damned

  • Army List
    • Special Rules
      • Early Plasma Weapons
    • Wargear List
    • Army Selection
      • Characters
      • Squads
      • Support
      • Special Character: Sergeant Centurius
  • Diorama: Legion of the Damned Historical Liber Secondus
  • Legion of the Damned Commander Conversion
Imperial Fists Supremacy Force
Operation Desert Strike
Chaos Cultists
CJ 2 Wolf Lords: Space Wolves Special Characters
CJ 3 Assault: Rules for Fortified Defeneses
Yrrthilien Mournsong: Eldar Special Character
CJ 4 Assault Pt. II (Part I in CJ 3)
  • Rules for Fortifications (Revised from WD 169)
    • Access to Fortifications
    • Support Weapons
    • Attacking from Forts
    • Attacking Fortifications
    • Attacking Fortification Doors, Vision Slits and Firing Ports
    • Special Weapon Rules
    • Battle Towers
    • Wall Sections/Ramparts
    • Strongholds
    • Wraith Tower
  • Playing Assault Games
  • Datafaxes and Fortification Damage Tables
Tinboyz: Ork Robots
CJ 16 Sandstorm!: Arid Terrain Rules


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Erstversion vom 17.08.2011. Letzte Aktualisierung am 22.11.2014.