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Der Gangbogen meiner Eschergang "Red Death Sisters" bei der Northguard Kampagne nach zwei Kämpfen.
Erster Kampf war gegen Van Saar in einem Gangfight (und verloren). Zweiter Fight war ein Shoutout mit Orlocks, den meine Mädels für sich entscheiden konnten. Der dritte Kampf war ein "Hit and Run" Vierkampf mit zwei Escher auf der einen und je ein Van Saar und Orlock Gang auf der anderen Seite, den die Mädels verloren. Vierter Kampf war gegen die Escher Pussycats den wir positiv entscheiden konnten. Fünfter Kampf war gegen ein Monster aus der Tiefe mit den Orlocks und den Pussycats. Sechster Kampf war ein drei Kampf den wir verloren.
Danach folgten zwei Kämpfe gegen eine andere Orlock Gang die beide gewonnen werden konnten. Der nächste Fight war ein Vierkampf gegen die bekannten Gangs, Escher, Orlocks und Van Saars, den diesmal meiner einer entscheiden konnten, gefolgt von einem Shootout mit den Pussycats der ebenfalls positiv für mich entschieden wurde.

Escher Gang Red "Death" Sisters

Unit Name ## M WS BS S T W I A Ld Save Exp Cost
Red "Death" Sisters (Summ) 0 Stash: 101 Crds 0
Credits: 22
  Mineral Outcrop D6*10 income. [0]
  Tunnels 10 income. At the end of your first turn, 3 of your models (held in reserve) may be placed anywhere on the battlefield on ground level, but not within 8" of enemies. [0]
  Slag 15 income. [0]
  Spore Cave 2D6*10 income. If you roll snake-eyes (double 1) when harvesting, the model gets diseased and can't fight until it rolls a 4+ at the start of a battle. [0]
  Holestead D6*10 income. [0]
  Guilder Contact D6*10 income. Loot counters are worth 5 extra credits each. [0]
Marylin (Ldr) 1 4" 6 5 3 4 1 4 1 8 6+/5+ 183 230
Leader; Ballistic Skill (x1); Toughness (x1); Weapon Skill (x2); 1.Abschuss
  Knife A knife. [0]
  Laspistol (*) SR8" (+2), LR16" (-1). S3, Ammo 2+. [15]
  Boltgun (*) SR12" (+1), LR24". S4, -1Sv,Ammo 6+. [35]
  Sword (*) Parry. [10]
  Medic Re-roll one Serious Injury result per battle. [0]
  Infra-Goggles Double spotting distance for spotting hidden enemies and intruders (e.g., Raid and Rescue). +1 to all chances to spot intruders. [30]
  Flak Armour 6+ save (5+ against template weapons). [10]
  Concealed Blade If the fighter is captured, he can try to escape. Roll a D6. 1 the fighter is killed, 2 no effect, 3 the fighter escapes but leaves his weapons & equipment behind, 4+ the fighter escapes with his weapons & equipment. One use. [10]
  Leader Any model within 6" of the Leader can use their Ld value, assuming they (the leader) are not Man Down; The Leader can always attempt to recover from pinning even if there is no model within 2". -
Charly (Heavy) 1 4" 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 - 94 330
+40 Credits Ausrüstung wegen Weapon Reloaded
  Knife A knife. [0]
  Laspistol (*) SR8" (+2), LR16" (-1). S3, Ammo 2+. [15]
  Red-Dot Laser Sight +1 to hit. 'Spot the Dot': If a model is hit by a weapon with this sight, roll a D6 - on a 6 he spots the dot and dodges the shot. [40]
  Heavy Stubber (*) SR20", LR40". S4, -1Sv, Ammo 4+, 2SFD. Move or fire. [120]
  Weaponsmith The model may ignore failed Ammo Rolls and Weapon Explosions on a D6 roll of 4+. [0]
  Lasgun (*) SR12" (+1), LR24". S3, -1Sv, Ammo 2+. [25]
  Infra-Goggles Double spotting distance for spotting hidden enemies and intruders (e.g., Raid and Rescue). +1 to all chances to spot intruders. [30]
  Infra-Red Sight Heavy, Special and Basic weapons only. Reduces cover saves by 1. Can't be fitted to Sustained Fire weapons. Can't be used on Overwatch if the target appears and disappears again. [30]
  Sword (*) Parry. [10]
Ricci (Gngr) 1 4" 6 4 3/4 3 1 3 1 8 - 76 115
Ballistic Skill (x1); Leadership (x1); Weapon Skill (x3); 1.Abschuss
  Knife A knife. [0]
  Laspistol (*) SR8" (+2), LR16" (-1). S3, Ammo 2+. [15]
  Lasgun (*) SR12" (+1), LR24". S3, -1Sv, Ammo 2+. [25]
  Medic Re-roll one Serious Injury result per battle. [0]
  Chainsword (*) S4, -1Sv. Parry. [25]
Heidi (Gngr) 1 4" 5 4 3/4 3 1 3 1 8 - 97 120
Ballistic Skill (x1); Leadership (x1); Weapon Skill (x2); 1.Angriff
  Knife A knife. [0]
  Autopistol (*) SR8" (+2), LR16". S3, Ammo 4+. [15]
  Autogun (*) SR12" (+1), LR24". S3, Ammo 4+. [20]
  Silencer (Autopistol, Stub Gun) Silences an Autopistol or Stub Gun. [10]
  Step Aside If the model is hit in CC, the hit is negated on a roll of 4+. [0]
  Chainsword (*) S4, -1Sv. Parry. [25]
  Specialist The model can choose a Special Weapon. [0]
Sandra (Gngr) 1 4" 4 4 3 3 1 3 1 7 - 69 145
Ballistic Skill (x1); Weapon Skill (x1); 1.Abschuss
Sandra hasst den Gangleader der Dark Steels (Orlocks)
  Knife A knife. [0]
  Shotgun (*) SR4", LR18", Knock-back: Targets hit by a shotgun testing to see if they fall over an edge have a -1 to their I. Solid: -/-1, S4, Ammo 4+. Scatter: +1/-1, S3, Ammo 4+, 1" blast, ignores cover. [20]
  Hot Shot Ammo (Shotgun) (*) SR4", LR18" (-1), S4, Ammo 6+. If you hit a model but he doesn't go Down or Out, on a 4+ he catches fire - roll a D6 at the start of his turn, 1-5: He takes an S4 hit, move him 2D6" in a random direction (other models move out of his way). 6: The flames go out, no effect. Other models within 1" of the model may put the flames out, if they do this they can't shoot. Roll a D6 in the End Phase, if you roll (7-# of models) the flames go out. Frenzied targets can act normally while on fire. [5]
  Man-Stopper Ammo (Shotgun) (*) SR4", LR18", S4, -2Sv, Ammo 4+. [5]
  Laspistol (*) SR8" (+2), LR16" (-1). S3, Ammo 2+. [15]
  Dodge Hyvial 6+ save against hits. If the model saves against a hit from a template weapon, move them up to 2". [0]
  Bitter Enmity Roll a D6 to find out who the fighter Hates: 1-2 the enemy who inflicted the injury, 3-4 the enemy gang leader, 5 the whole enemy gang, 6 all gangs from that House. [0]
  Telescopic Sight Doubles the Short Range of the weapon (e.g., Bolter short range becomes 24"). Can't be used on Overwatch if the target appears and disappears again. [40]
  Sword (*) Parry. [10]
Kylie (Gngr) 1 4" 3 3 4 3 1 3 2/3 7 6+/5+ 98 140
Attacks (x1); Ballistic Skill (x1); Strength (x1); 1.Abschuss
  Knife A knife. [0]
  Bolt Pistol (*) SR8" (+2), LR16". S4, -1Sv, Ammo 6+. [20]
  Sword (*) Parry. [10]
  Frag Grenades (*) S3, -1Sv, 2" blast marker, Auto-fails Ammo rolls. [30]
  Photon Flash Flare Throw the grenade and place a 1 1/2" template as normal (models hit are not Pinned). Every model hit must roll < I on a D6, if they succeed they are at WS1 and BS1 for the rest of the turn. If they fail they are blinded - unable to shoot, can only move at half speed in a random direction, WS1. At the start of his turn, a blinded model can roll a D6. On a 5+ they return to normal. If 'the target' carries a weapon with a mono-sight, red-dot sight or infra-sight, roll a D6 - on a 6 the sight is damaged beyond repair. [20]
  Combat Master For every opponent past the first in CC, the model gets +1WS. [0]
  Disarm Roll a D6, on a 4+ the enemy loses one weapon of your choice. Use against one opponent per CC phase. [0]
  Blinded in One Eye BS-1 (included on profile); Left [0]
  Fixer The model may re-roll the income from the terrain they work. [0]
  Flak Armour 6+ save (5+ against template weapons). [10]
Melli (Gngr) 1 4" 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 8 - 59 95
Initiative (x1); Leadership (x1)
  Knife A knife. [0]
  Autopistol (*) SR8" (+2), LR16". S3, Ammo 4+. [15]
  Autogun (*) SR12" (+1), LR24". S3, Ammo 4+. [20]
  Sword (*) Parry. [10]
Chris (Juve) 1 4" 4 2 4 4 1 3 1/2 6 - 74 95
Ganger; Strength (x1); Toughness (x1); Weapon Skill (x2); 1.Abschuss
  Knife A knife. [0]
  Stub Gun (*) SR8", LR16" (-1). S3, Ammo 4+. [10]
  Step Aside If the model is hit in CC, the hit is negated on a roll of 4+. [0]
  Quick Draw Double I when making Fast Draws in a Gunfight. [0]
  Old Battle Wound Roll a D6 at the start of every game - on a '1', the model cannot fight. [0]
  Bio-Booster First injury roll becomes 1-3 Flesh Wound, 4-5 Man Down, 6 Out. [50]
  Sword (*) Parry. [10]
  Parry The model may make an additional Parry. [0]
  Catfall When the model falls, the S of any hits they take is halved (rounded down). [0]
Brit (Juve) 1 4" 3 3 3 4 2 3 1 7 - 79 75
Ganger; Ballistic Skill (x1); Leadership (x1); Toughness (x1); Weapon Skill (x1); Wounds (x1); 1.Abschuss
  Knife A knife. [0]
  Autopistol (*) SR8" (+2), LR16". S3, Ammo 4+. [15]
  Feint The model may convert Parries into bonus attacks (1 for 1). [0]
  Lasgun (*) SR12" (+1), LR24". S3, -1Sv, Ammo 2+. [25]
  Quick Draw Double I when making Fast Draws in a Gunfight. [0]
  Sword (*) Parry. [10]
Dodo (Juve) 1 4" 2 2 3+1 4 1 3 1/2 6 - 20 45
Toughness (x1)
  Knife A knife. [0]
  Club / Maul / Bludgeon (*) S+1. [10]
  Stub Gun (*) SR8", LR16" (-1). S3, Ammo 4+. [10]
  Combat Master For every opponent past the first in CC, the model gets +1WS. [0]
Anita (Juve) 1 4" 2 2 3+1 3 1 3 1/2 7 - 22 45
Ganger; Leadership (x1)
  Knife A knife. [0]
  Stub Gun (*) SR8", LR16" (-1). S3, Ammo 4+. [10]
  Club / Maul / Bludgeon (*) S+1. [10]
  Feint The model may convert Parries into bonus attacks (1 for 1). [0]
Claudia (Juve) 1 4" 2 2 3 3 2 4 1/2 6 - 23 40
Ganger; Initiative (x1); Wounds (x1)
  Knife A knife. [0]
  Autopistol (*) SR8" (+2), LR16". S3, Ammo 4+. [15]
Sarah (Juve) 1 4" 3 2 3 3 1 3 1/2 6 - 15 40
Weapon Skill (x1)
  Knife A knife. [0]
  Autopistol (*) SR8" (+2), LR16". S3, Ammo 4+. [15]
  Specialist The model can choose a Special Weapon. [0]
Sissi (Juve) 1 4" 2 2 3 3 1 3 1/2 6 - 0 40
  Knife A knife. [0]
  Autopistol (*) SR8" (+2), LR16". S3, Ammo 4+. [15]
Ratskin Scout 1 4" 3 3 3+1 3 1 4 2/3 7 - 60 15
15 credit Hire Fee. Ratskin Scouts get 3 rolls on the Advance table. Guide: Add ±1 to the scenario roll unless your opponents also have a Ratskin scout, or unless you have a Ratskin Map. Resilient: Roll twice on the Serious Injury table and pick the best result if injured. Explore: If you send the scout exploring after a game, roll a D6: 1~ he disappears, 2-5~ he reports nothing, 6~ roll up a new territory and add it to your Summary unless it's Green Hivers or an Archeotech Hoard.; Attacks (x1); Initiative (x1); Blindsnake Pouch; Club; Lots of Knives; Shotgun
  Sprint The model may triple their movement when they run or charge. [0]
  Blindsnake Pouch Extra 4+ unmodifiable save (taken as soon as the shot hits) against shots from Overwatch. -
  Club S+1. -
  Lots of Knives Lots of Knives. -
  Shotgun SR4", LR18", Knock-back: Targets hit by a shotgun testing to see if they fall over an edge have a -1 to their I. Solid: -/-1, S4, Ammo 4+. Scatter: +1/-1, S3, Ammo 4+, 1" blast, ignores cover. -
Total Gang Cost: 1610 Crds.
Leaders can have skills from all but the 'Muscle' category, Heavies from 'Agility', 'Muscle', 'Shooting' and 'Techno', Gangers from 'Agility', 'Combat' and 'Stealth' and Juves from 'Agility' and 'Combat'. If you roll a 2 or 12 when working out advances, however, you can choose from *any* category.

Gang Rating: 2579
Total XP: 969

Troop Type Count Unused Credits Unused Percent
Leader (N/A) 1 n/a 230 n/a 14%
Heavy (N/A) 1 n/a 330 n/a 21%
Ganger (N/A) 9 n/a 870 n/a 55%
Juve (N/A) 3 n/a 125 n/a 7%
Summary (N/A) 0 n/a 0 n/a 0%
Hired Guns (N/A) 1 n/a 15 n/a 0%
Vehicles (N/A) 0 n/a 0 n/a 0%
Equipment Summary 89 n/a 950 n/a 60%

Roster created with Army Builder - Copyright (c) 1998-2001 by Lone Wolf Development, Inc.
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